Morocho is a Dogo who stole two little girls and beat up a puma. The famous dojo fought Boma to defend the children. Ulysses (Dr. Norris Martins, grandson of the creator) decided to run some errands in La Cocha a few months ago. He brought his 10-year-old daughter, Sofa, who was planning to travel back and forth on the same day. There were no problems during the flight.
The foreman “Tomás” immediately starts working with the Uisses as soon as they arrive in Estancia. Thomas’s daughter, Sofa, and Yulie asked permission to visit a large fig tree about 700 yards from the main house to gather and eat some figs. The tastiest figs are usually found at the top of the tree, so Yoli sliced the highest bough she could. There was only one problem. The tree had been climbed by others in addition to her.
Yuli was about 7 feet off the ground when she first heard the tree’s leaves rustle and branches sway.She wasn’t aware that the same tree was home to a cougar, also referred to as a mountain lion or cougar. I noticed a huge cougar hopping down the upper branches when I looked up. Yuli was dropped from a height of two meters when the monster hit the child with one of its paws. I reached a back drop.
Morocho, an elder of Ulysses’ dojo, was jokingly wagging his tail behind them as usual whenever they passed through the estancia. Dogo Argentino made the decision to put his life in danger in order to save two young children when he came face to face with a puma, Morocho. After hearing the girls’ screams, Yulii’s father took off as fast as he could.
In the words of Thomas Bracamonte, “I thought it was a snake.” I hurried there. I made my way to them as fast as I could.
Morocho was present when he got there. Although horribly injured, the dog was still alive. We left Puma. Because of Morocho, these two girls are still living today. All over the world, Morocho’s bravery has astounded millions of people. It’s blessed because our furry angels are watching over us all. Good luck, I beg you!
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